Step 2 - Create a theme for a car variant

In this step of the tutorial you learn how to use one Kanzi Studio project for two variants of a product. In the previous step you created two themes (Classic and Modern) for the gasoline variant of the car. In this step you modify that project and create the themes for the hybrid variant of the car.

Theme the cluster structure

In this section you set for each car variant the visual appearance of the cluster background, the car model shown between the primary gauges, and the car variant name shown in the center of the RPM gauge.

To theme the cluster structure:

  1. In the Library press Alt and right-click Themes, select Theme Group, and name it Car variant.
  2. Open the Car variant theme group in the Theme Editor and create two themes: Gasoline and Hybrid.
  3. In the Project > Prefabs right-click Primary gauges Classic > Background and select Add Resources to a Theme Group.
    Here you add to the Car variant theme group the resources for the cluster background.
  4. In the Add Resources to a Theme Group window:Click Add.

    When you use for resource IDs names which are meaningful in the context of your project, you create a project that is easier to theme and maintain. If you cannot pick a good name when you add a resource ID to a theme group, you can rename resource IDs in the Theme Editor.

  5. In the Theme Editor for the Car variant theme group set the resource IDs:
  6. In the Project > Prefabs right-click Primary gauges Classic > Car and select Add Resources to a Theme Group.
    Here you add to the Car variant theme group the resources for the car model shown between the primary gauges.
  7. In the Add Resources to a Theme Group window:Click Add.


    If you accidentally add resource IDs to a wrong theme group, in the Dictionaries click next to the resource ID you want to move, and drop the resource ID in the theme group where you want to use it.

  8. In the Theme Editor for the Car variant theme group set the Car resource ID:
  9. In the Project > Prefabs right-click Primary gauges Classic > Primary gauges grid Classic > Table RPM and select Add Resources to a Theme Group.
    Here you add to the Car variant the resources for the car variant name shown in the center of the RPM gauge.
  10. In the Add Resources to a Theme Group window:
    1. Set the Theme Group to Car variant.
    2. Click to enable the viewing of the Text Block nodes.
      In the top right part of the window you can select which types of resources you want to show in the window.
    3. Select and rename the G A S O L I N E resource ID to Variant.
    Click Add.
  11. In the Theme Editor for the Car variant theme group double-click the cell for each theme and enter the text for the Variant resource ID:

Now when you select in the Dictionaries a theme in the Car variant theme group, the Preview shows the resources you defined so far for the two car variants.

Theme the color of the primary gauges

In this section you set for each car variant the color of the primary gauges.

To theme the color of the primary gauges:

  1. In the Project > Prefabs right-click Primary gauges Classic > Gauges and select Add Resources to a Theme Group.
  2. In the Add Resources to a Theme Group window:Click Add.
  3. In the Theme Editor for the Car variant theme group set the Primary gauges color Classic resource ID:
    These styles set the Emissive Color property for the material which the Gauge Model nodes which define both primary gauges use.

Now when you select in the Dictionaries a theme in the Car variant theme group, the Preview shows the resources you defined so far for the two car variants.

Theme the secondary gauges

In this section you set for each car variant the visual appearance of the secondary gauges to enable the changing of:

To theme the secondary gauges:

  1. In the Project > Prefabs select the Secondary gauges > Secondary gauges grid > Left gauge info > Value, in the Properties add the Style property, and set it to the Secondary gauges Left gauge value Gasoline style.
    The Secondary gauges Left gauge value Gasoline style targets only the Text Block 2D nodes and uses a binding to get the value for the engine temperature gauge from the Temperature property in the RootPage node.
  2. In the Properties remove the Bindings property from the Value node.
    You remove the Bindings property because you use the Secondary gauges Left gauge value Gasoline style to set the binding.
  3. In the Project > Prefabs right-click Secondary gauges, select Add Resources to a Theme Group, and in the Add Resources to a Theme Group window:
    1. Set the Theme Group to Car variant.
    2. Click to enable the viewing of the Text Block nodes.
    3. Select and rename these resource IDs:
      • Gauge.Node.Style to Secondary gauges Right
      • Gauge.Node.Style_1 to Secondary gauges Left
      • 130 to Secondary gauges scale max Left
      • 50 to Secondary gauges scale min Left
      • Left gauge icon.Image2D.Image to Secondary gauges icon Left
      • Value.Node.Style to Secondary gauges value Left
      • ° to Secondary gauges unit Left
    Click Add.
  4. In the Theme Editor for the Car variant theme group set the resource IDs you added in the previous step:

Now when you select in the Dictionaries a theme in the Car variant theme group, the Preview shows the resources you defined so far for the two car variants.

Change the Primary gauges Modern prefab

In this section you change the Primary gauges Modern prefab so that you can use the same prefab for both the Gasoline and Hybrid car variant themes.

To change the Primary gauges Modern prefab:

  1. (Optional) In the Dictionaries set the Cluster theme to Modern so that you can see in the Preview the changes you make to the Primary gauges Modern prefab.
  2. In the Primary gauges Modern prefab replace the resources with the resource IDs.
    You created and added these resource IDs to the Car variant theme group when you themed the Primary gauges Classic prefab in the first section of this tutorial step.
  3. In the Primary gauges Modern > Gauges > Scene > Right gauge and Left gauge nodes replace the Render Transformation property with a style:
    1. In the Project > Prefabs select the Primary gauges Modern > Gauges > Scene > Right gauge, in the Properties add the Style property, and set it to the Primary gauges right position Modern Gasoline style.
      This style sets the value of the Render Transformation property.
    2. Remove the Render Transformation property form the Right gauge node.
      You remove this property because you use the Primary gauges right position Modern Gasoline style to set the value of this property.
    3. Repeat the previous two steps for the Primary gauges Modern > Gauges > Scene > Left gauge node, but use the Primary gauges left position Modern Gasoline style.
  4. In the Project > Prefabs right-click Primary gauges Modern, select Add Resources to a Theme Group, and in the Add Resources to a Theme Group window:Click Add.
  5. In the Theme Editor for the Car variant theme group set the resource IDs you added in the previous step:

Now when you select in the Dictionaries Modern theme in the Cluster theme theme group and change the theme in the Car variant theme group, the Preview shows the resources for the two car variants in the Modern theme.


See also

Theming your applications

Using Themes

Using styles